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OBJECTIVE - Why do it?

For high school/college teenagers:

Assist in 1st professional choice to be more assertive, aware and safe, reducing o regret of choice, avoidance of the course in the early years, feelings of defeat, losses and waste of all investments.

Promote self-knowledge, skills, interests and information about professions and the world of work, in order to facilitate decision-making.

To young graduates:

  • Help students of the 1st e 2nd year of the undergraduate course que are dissatisfied and insecure with their choice, increase self-knowledge and professional information to decide whether or not to continue in the course chosen;

  • Assist students at the end of the course with Career Construction and Planning for a insertion into the job market, in addition to guidance na curriculum elaboration, in the participation of_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_social networks, selection processes, posture and professional image, interviews and group dynamics.


to professionals:

Assist professionals in the construction e reconstruction of your career e de your life project, through the theory of Life8-905-Counseling 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

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